Evidence in My VA Claim Folder
Premiered February 14, 2020
You can obtain a copy of your claims folder by submitting a written FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to the VA by mail and or fax to:
Department of Veteran Affairs Claims Intake Center
P. O. Box 5235 Janesville, WI 53547-5235
FAX#: 844-531-7818
“I’m requesting a copy of my entire claims folder to include all military personal records, service treatment records, private treatment records, rating decisions, rating code sheets, compensation and pension exams from the VA and or third-party contractors such as LHI and QTC and any other information in my electronic claim folder not listed above.”
Also, you can ask for this information to be on paper or disc.
My website: https://www.kmd89.com
Phone: 855 (SOLD1ER) 765-3131
My Facebook Veteran group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/13510...