VA Claim/SMC/Speial Monthly Compensation

Published: May 31, 2020

M21-IV.ii.2. H.1.a. Definition: SMC

Special monthly compensation (SMC) is an additional level of compensation to Veterans (above the basic levels of compensation payable based on disability ratings of 0 to 100 percent) for various types of anatomical losses or levels of impairment due solely to service-connected (SC) disabilities.

M21 IV.ii.2.H.12.a.

  • Spousal A&A Criteria Increased compensation is payable to a Veteran by reason of the Veteran’s spouse being in need of A&A.

  • The spouse will be considered in need of A&A if he/she

    • Is blind with corrected visual acuity of 5/200 or less, in both eyes, or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less

    • Is a patient in a nursing home because of mental or physical incapacity, or • has disabilities causing a factual need for A&A as defined in 38 CFR 3.352(a).
      Note: Special monthly spouse’s compensation may be granted by the authorization activity when the spouse’s nursing home status is confirmed, as discussed at 38 CFR 3.351(c)(2) and M21-1, Part III, Subpart v, 2.A.3.b.

M21- IV.ii.2.H.12.b.

  • Requirement for a 30-Percent Rating For additional benefits to be payable for a spouse, including for special monthly spouse’s compensation ratings, the Veteran must be entitled to compensation for disabilities evaluated as 30 percent or more disabling.

  • Reference: For more information on handling claims for additional compensation for dependents from Veterans with a combined disability rating that is less than 30 percent, see M21-1, Part III, Subpart iii, 5.L.1.f.

    Disclaimer: I am not an adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. While it is possible to maximize your benefits, it’s solely your responsibility to become educated on the VA disability compensation claims process. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of any benefits.

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