VA Nexus & Nexus Statement

Published April 27, 2020

M21- IV.ii.2.B.1.a. Overview of Direct SC

Direct service connection (SC) means that a particular disease or injury was incurred in service. This is accomplished by affirmatively showing inception during service. The components to proving direct SC are:

  • A current disability

  • An event, injury, or disease in service, and

  • A link or nexus establishing that the current disability had its onset or inception in service, which may be established by evidence of

  • Chronicity and continuity, or

  • Continuous symptoms or a medical nexus opinion.

All pertinent or relevant medical and lay evidence must be considered, including the service records (which may show the places, types, and circumstances of service and the official history of the organization in which the Veteran served).

Example of medical opinion and rational (in nexus statement):

Secondary Medical Opinion Example

The Veteran’s symptoms met the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder, recurrent moderate. Results of a self-report measure and clinical interview were consistent with major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate diagnosis. The veteran’s current symptoms are logically related to and consistent with the medical problems being reported. The veteran has been diagnosed with depression by a mental health clinician and has received treatment for the same. Onset of symptoms of depression starting about 2 years ago after bypass surgery. My impression is that he’s experiencing a prolonged major depressive episode likely secondary to his heart s/p bypass surgery. This is supported by the fact that he has no prior medical history and his symptoms didn’t begin until after his bypass.

Veteran’s onset of depression symptoms was following open heart surgery 2.5 years ago.

Disclaimer: I am not an adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. While it is possible to maximize your benefits, it’s solely your responsibility to become educated on the VA disability compensation claims process. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of any benefits.

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