VA Claim Educational You Tube Videos (RE-Cap of all previous You Tube Videos)

Published March 27, 2020

VA Claim Educational You Tube Videos

(RE-Cap of all previous You Tube Videos)

5 Ways of service connection:

  1. Pre-service aggravation

  2. Direct service connection

  3. Secondary service connection

  4. Increase in service connection

  5. Presumptive service connection

    Agent Orange Presumptive

    Camp Lejeune Presumptive

    Gulf War Presumptive

    1 Year Presumptive

    3 Year Presumptive

    7 Year Presumptive

VA Language:

  • RFD – Ready for Decision

  • C & P - Compensation and Pension exam

  • COD - Character of discharge

  • VSR – Veteran Service Representative

    Call center representatives

    Completes claim development

  • RVSR - Rating, Veteran Service Representative

    Completes rating decisions (denials and grants)

  • DBQ – Disability benefit questionnaire

  • RMC – Records management center

    Location where all military records are stored after veteran’s release from active duty

  • VBA – Veteran Benefits Administration

    Compensation benefits

  • VHA – Veteran Healthcare Administration


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