VA Claim Language

Published February 21, 2020

Regulation that pertains to when not to schedule an RFE (Routine Future Exam).

M21 III.iv.3.B.2.d. When Not to Schedule Review Examinations

Do not establish a future examination control in cases when:

  • The disability is static, without material improvement over five years

  • The disability is permanent in character and of such nature that there is no likelihood of improvement

  • The Veteran is over 55 years of age (except under unusual circumstances or where required by regulation)

  • The evaluation is the prescribed scheduler minimum within its DC

  • The evaluation is 10 percent or less, or

  • The combined evaluation would not change even if the reexamination resulted in a reduced evaluation for one or more disabilities.

Link to DBQ’s listed on VA website:

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VA Claim experience from a former Rating Specialist/RVSR